This article will be the final third of my investigation, looking at sequencing and threading in Combine; what guarantees does Combine offer for thread safety and delivery order. I'll finish up with a quick look at Combine's performance.Read more... -
This middle third of the investigation will span a trio of topics: sharing computation, shared reference lifetimes and sharing subscribers.Read more... -
This article will be the first third of my investigation into Combine, covering an effort to re-implement the three key protocols of Combine: `Publisher`, `Subscriber` and `Subscription`Read more... -
This article will look at how SwiftUI's approach to declarative views compares to CwlViews, why the two approaches differ and what Apple changed to make this possible. I'll end with some thoughts about how this will affect macOS and iOS development.Read more... -
In this article, I'll look at the the biggest problem with non-declarative views and how frameworks have slowly become more declarative, over time. I'll take a guess at what approach a declarative view framework from Apple might use – although keep in mind, I have zero insider knowledge and there's only a month before WWDC proves how wrong I am.Read more... -
CwlViews is a library that offers declarative construction for all common iOS and macOS view and application objects. The result hides many of the busywork tasks that consume much of Cocoa application programming, leaving behind a highly concise, declaratively constructed, view-state driven, reactively connected experience.Read more... -
After a look at headaches due to Xcode 10's new build system, this article will largely be a log of changes to Cocoa with Love content, in reverse chronological order, as I go back through all my Swift articles and make sure everything is up-to-date for Swift 4.2, Xcode 10, iOS 12 and mac OS 10.14.Read more... -
Last night, I removed my app StreamToMe from the iOS App Store, after 9 years on sale. This will be a discussion about what it's like to have an app on the App Store that is financially successful but eternally problematic, from a support and maintenance perspective. I'll talk about why I lost interest in StreamToMe and, at times, deliberately neglected my own product. Finally, I'll talk about why I've decided to simply pull it from the store – not open source it or sell it – even though it still works for many people. .Read more... -
旋风加速器ios版下载_旋风加速器ios版app安卓版下载 官方v6 ...:2021-5-31 · 旋风加速器ios版是一款工具类软件,软件内主打服务于海外华人,海外华人连接国内的音乐平台或者是视频网站等都需要加速器的帮助,软件无需复杂的配置过程,只需一键开启加速,并且一个账号可众在多个操作端进行使用,极大的方便了海外华人用户,对APP有需求的用户快下载体验Read more... -
In this article, I look at constructing Cocoa views in code using a unique syntax that offers dynamic and constant options with no syntactic overhead, support for parameters inherited through the class hierarchy, support for large numbers of optional parameters without needing to push unused parameters onto the stack, avoidance of parentheses, and avoiding the need to specify types – all while remaining completely typesafe.Read more...
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